You may request an exchange or a return within 14 days of received item. If 14 days have gone by since your received purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you an exchange or refund. SHIPPING IS NON-REFUNDABLE.

To be eligible for an exchange, all items must be in in their original condition (unworn, unwashed, and the tag is attached in the same manner it was when purchased).


Only regular priced items may be exchanged, unfortunately sale items cannot be exchanged and are FINAL SALE.


  1. Email us at to notify us of the return or exchange with the new item you'd like instead.
  2. We will ship you a return shipping label and shipping bag to return the unwanted merchandise when we ship your new item to you.
  3. For returns, refunds will not be issued until we receive the merchandise back, and will be credited back to their original method of payment, if all return policy requirements are met.
We are not responsible for lost packages.  All of our packages are tracked. Once the shipping status of the package notates "Delivered", we reserve the right to refuse any refund for any lost packages.
WRONG ADDRESS DISCLAIMER! It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that they enter the shipping address correctly. We are not responsible if a package is shipped back to us due to an incorrect or undeliverable address.